Soldier Pranks His Fellow Team Member With a Massive “Air Horn”

We love any opportunity we get to share clips of our men and women in uniform, whether it be badass combat footage, info about the awesome technological advanced being made in weaponry, or the planes, choppers, ships and other vehicles being used to fight the good fight around the world. And sometimes it’s just our guys and gals cutting up, pranking each other to pass the time and break up the stress and monotony of deployed life.
That’s what we have today, and this is a great prank video because nobody gets hurt – at least not too bad. This poor sleeping soldier does take a tumble off of his cot when one of his buddies blasts him with a hand-held air horn that sounds a lot like an actual full-sized car horn and seems to be just as loud, if not a little louder. As you can imagine, being awakened from what looks to be a pretty deep sleep by a car horn causes a hilarious reaction, with the sleepy young man tumbling unceremoniously to the concrete floor below.
It looks at first like he might have landed on his head, but he reassures his comrades that his melon is just fine. Something tells me that even if he did hit his head he would try his best to play it off, especially with the cameras rolling, but hopefully, he didn’t hurt anything in the fall.
We love seeing our soldiers being able to take time to laugh and cut up. Their world is highly stressful and when they’re in the field, they’re quite literally risking their lives for me and you, something I see far too many people taking for granted. However, these fine men and women are fighting to give those people the right to do and say as they please, as ironic as it sounds. Just know, we at Speed Society always have the utmost respect for our uniformed soldiers, active and retired, and extend our sincerest thanks for their selfless dedication to protecting the greatest country on Earth.