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Speed Society Unveils Their New Giveaway Car With The Mannequin Challenge

When you take a look around social media, there have been so many great challenges that bring friends together and give the people of the world something to watch. If you been keeping an eye on social media recently, you might just be aware that the latest of those challenges is the mannequin challenge.

Basically, the idea here is to stay as still as humanly possible while a camera pans around the people acting as mannequins and shows off a still scene in motion. Make sense? If it doesn’t, this video should help you to understand what it’s all about.

If you weren’t aware, here at Speed Society when you become a part of our VIP club, you’re entered to win a killer car and this month the car just so happens to be an Alpha 7 Nissan GT-R and to unveil it, we set out to try a mannequin challenge all our own.

Check out the video below from Speed Society HQ that brings the crew together to tell all about what you can expect from the next vehicle that we are so proud to be giving away to one of our lucky VIP members. It really is a unique experience to be privileged enough to help make dreams come to reality. You could be the next to be on the receiving end of one of these badass rides. Check it out here.
