Stevie Fast Jackson Snags NHRA Pro Mod Championship in Second Season

Every once in awhile, we stumble across a success story that tells us about so much more than a win. It’s stories like that of Stevie “Fast” Jackson that really go so far as to inspire us. Starting with a first-generation Chevrolet S10, he has since built his way up to be drag racing royalty. Even after all of his success, rumor has it that Jackson isn’t done pushing, either.
When Jackson got going, we would describe his style as very grassroots in the grudge and no time racing format. Before we knew it, a quick-talking demeanor and talent in both tuning and racing built him quite the reputation. Eventually, he would build his way up to being one of the most revered racers in radial racing. As of this weekend, he retains that title as the number one qualifier in No Mercy 10’s Radial vs the World class.
Last year, Jackson would make his way into a Pro Mod ride. This was something that he says was a life goal of his, one in which many refused to believe in. However, Stevie showed us that where there’s a will, there’s away. On top of his ability, some even attribute this, in part, to his ability to talk smack. After all, telling another racer that he has the back tire for life is a good way to stir the pot and draw attention. Underneath all that smack talk, though, Jackson has the ability to back it up. We’ve commonly seen him kicking ass in Shadow and Shadow 2.0 which would eventually prove to be a stepping stone to NHRA success.
Down in the video below, we watch as Jackson races his way into a title. This is certainly a story for the ages as a fan favorite does even more to cement his legacy. After seeing this one, we have to wonder if there is anything that Stevie “Fast” Jackson can’t do. Wondering where he’s heading next?
Jackson has stated that it’s his goal to race in Top Fuel racing after winning a Pro Mod championship. Part 1 of that goal is in the books and all eyes will be on him to see what happens next!