That is One Nasty Daily Driver! 10 Second Triple Turbo LBZ Duramax Sleeper!

While the term “street car” or, in this case, “street truck,” is one that has been stretched to the moon and back, including all sorts of vehicles that you would mostly never see you rolling down the street, this time we check out a rather quick truck whose street status is absolutely undeniable.
No, this isn’t just some built-up diesel that you’ll see rolling on the street once a month when the weather is nice but instead, a Chevrolet Silverado that is driven daily, making the commute to and from work without a hiccup and when it hits the drag strip, this thing means serious business!
This time, we check out the Silverado powered by aDanville Performance built stage 2 LBZ Duramax diesel engine complete with all of the goodies from pistons and rods to studs, injectors, and a whole slew of other supporting mods to get that boost flowing. In addition, said boost is coming from not one or two, but three turbos that make it rocket down the track to 10-second passes. If that’s not enough for you, the truck was even able to run a 159.8 mph pass in the standing half-mile, setting the record for diesel trucks in general.
Check out the video below that will show off what this machine is capable of as it releases smoke into the air and rockets down the track to an impressive elapsed time. The owner says that the goal for this coming season is to make this thing rocket its way into the mid 9s. Now that would be something to see!