The Fastest Big Rig Tire Swap We have Ever Seen! This Guy is Good

Sure, if you happen to be out on the road and need a new tire, you can pull it off of the truck and replace it with the spare all while taking your other wheel and tire that seems to have given into the elements to get a new tire professionally installed or you can just do with this guy did and do it yourself!
It looks like this dude has done this once or twice in his lifetime as he manages to completely dismount a tire and slap a new one on his semi truck all without removing the wheel from the truck and he is able to do it in just a couple of minutes. Not bad!
We step back and let the master do his work as he is able to come to his own aid and save himself some time, money, and a lot of hassle so that he can get back on the road in the shortest amount of time possible.
Check out the video below that shows the swap going down in real-time. Heck, this job might have even got it done quicker than if he used an actual tire machine to mount the tire. Now that’s something to brag about!