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The History of the Tonka Truck Teaches us to Never Give Up

There are some brands that have certainly built up reputations over time to become cornerstones of culture. We would say that the Tonka brand is certainly one of the names that have risen over the years to become one of the most recognizable toys in the world.

With some of these brands, we can’t help but wonder exactly how it all started. At the end of the day, there are a lot of companies that put together toy dump trucks. Why was it that Tonka got so popular while the others lagged behind? When we think of these yellow dump trucks, most folks would likely attribute the concept to Tonka so what was it about other major competitors like Hot Wheels that never got it done in such a big way?

This time, thanks to YouTube user, Little Car, we’re able to get a little bit more appreciation for exactly what went into building a brand like Tonka. Over the years, the idea came to life as a company that built toy vehicles out of scrap wood from ammo boxes and eventually turned into a metal toy truck business.

Before long, Tonka would become a household name and one that’s worth tons of money. However, it wouldn’t come without a little bit of rejection first. Stories like this show us that even though somebody may shut you down, you never know what might happen if you keep trying.

By following along with the video below, we get the complete timeline that gives us a start to finish on how Tonka blew up so massively. It’s pretty crazy how one day, you might get rejected and left to question everything that you’re doing, and the next, you can be one of the biggest hits in the history of American pop culture.