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The Most Dangerous Landing in the World? Looks Sketchy!

Aviation is one of those things that takes a big leap of faith to carry out. You really have to trust in all of your equipment and sometimes the labor and diligence of other people to make sure that you, your craft, and anyone on board makes it to the ground safely.

While we’re sure that there are many small airports like this one around the world, I’m not sure that any of those small airports are quite as sketchy as this one that provides pilots with quite the adrenaline rush as they touch down and attempt to bring their planes to a halt without any unnecessary drama thrown into the mix.

LFLJ is known as one of the shortest runways around the world measuring just 1,722 feet with a gradient of 18.5% to help slow the planes down. As if this weren’t enough to make your hair stand on edge, it looks like the weather doesn’t always cooperate with the airstrip either, covering it in some nice slick ice here and there to toss an extra element of danger into the mix.

The video below will show you exactly how a small aircraft gets tossed into the belly of the beast and the pilot is forced to use his highest level of focus to make sure that nothing goes wrong. From what we’re told, not just anyone can land a plane here and it takes a special set of skills to do it all successfully.