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There’s an Entire Contest Based on Backing Up Trailers, It’s Downright Addictive

When you’re learning how to back up a trailer, sure, there probably is solid science behind the skill but for anyone who has ever done it, maybe your take on the idea might be that it’s kind of more of an art than a science. There’s really something special about being able to maneuver one of these things backward as you pretty much have to cross the wires in your brain in order to be able to fully figure out how exactly to drive or steer in one direction while your load is going in the opposite direction. If you’ve never done it, that idea might sound a little bit crazy to you but simply put, most agree that it’s something that is most certainly easier said than done.

While a lot of drivers can’t even really figure out how to get down the concept of backing up a trailer regularly, apparently, there are some folks who have decided to take the concept to a whole new level. That’s right, instead of simply backing up a trailer into something like a driveway and cutting it off there, these competitive individuals took it to a whole new level, leveraging their ability behind the wheel with a trailer attached in order to get a little bit competitive with it, having a whole contest based around peoples’ abilities to drive backwards with a load attached. No, we’re not kidding.

If you follow along down the video below, you might just get a headache from watching how quickly these people are able to maneuver their trailers around with all sorts of twists and turns tossed into the mix. After seeing this one, there’s a good chance that you’ll grow to have an all-new appreciation for just how good people can be behind the wheel with a trailer attached. I guess that, no matter what it is that you’re talking about, if you really want to be good at something, putting your mind to it can help you to accomplish that goal and then some.
