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These Flaming Jet Skateboards Don’t Seem Safe At All… But They Show You How To Make One!

We’re going to go ahead and put a big fat “DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME” label on this video, because we know you guys and we don’t want it coming back on us if some of our fans decide to build their own flaming skateboards and have something terrible happen and it come back that they got the idea from us. Again, guys and gals, DO NOT TRY THIS ON YOUR OWN!

Now that we made the lawyer’s happy, let’s take a look at what we’re looking at in this video from Genius Club Facebook page. Let’s keep things real here, this isn’t a jet powered skateboard, and it isn’t presented as such, but we know at first glance, some folks out there will assume those are tiny jet engines bolted to the back of his board. As fun as that would (or wouldn’t for many of us) be, what you’re seeing is actually just for looks, though it admittedly does look pretty damn cool.

However, there are some little bits of authenticity here, as the builder did decided to model the inner workings of his model engines after an actual jet engine. No, he doesn’t go into super-accurate detail and the shafts and propellers aren’t functional for anything but adding visual appeal, it is pretty cool that he decided to go the extra mile to at least recreate the skinny bits inside the engines.

Now that we’ve covered what they don’t do, we can discuss what they do do: belch fire! The model engines are actually little more than nozzles, serving as outlets for the fuel tank that resides between the rider’s feet. It appears to be a small propane tank, though the video doesn’t say for sure what type of fuel is used. With the lines routed to the nozzles and the tank sitting on the board, our rider sparks the flame and hits the road to show off how cool it looks to ride a skateboard with huge flames trailing behind.

They may not be pushing the board like an actual jet, but there’s no denying it looks really cool regardless!

Call the fire department, this skateboard is on fire!

Call the fire department, this skateboard is on fire!

Posted by Genius Club on Friday, May 18, 2018