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This 500,000 Ton Rolling Mill is Massive!

When the job is big, sometimes, larger than life machinery is necessary to accomplish the work at hand. This time, we check out a 500,000-ton rolling mill that is incredibly massive and used to take raw materials and heat them up, crush them, and otherwise reform them until they have become the finished rebar that this machine set out to get made. When you think about the annual output that a machine like this is capable of, it really blows your mind as it’s almost impossible to fathom the 500,000-tons that come out of such a production process each and every year. That’s about 250,000 copies of your average car, just for the sake of comparison.

In this one, we get to join in and watch as the giant rolling mill was put to use, creating what seems to be endless rebar. It really gets the point where watching the production process is quite the mesmerizing act, in fact. It might seem like a basic production process to form steel into the rebar that it needs to become but it ends up being a lot more than it seems. This one definitely opens up your eyes to see what exactly went into that finish product that you see sitting on the shelf. It isn’t exactly something that is slapped together in one or two steps.

Check out the video down below that will take you behind the scenes to see how exactly a massive process like this comes together, putting each and every step in just the right position to make sure that the finished product is consistent and strong each and every time. Be sure to tell us what you think of being taken along on a journey like this to watch as rebar comes together in insane quantities on that display line.