This is What it Looks Like When a Cameras Frame Rate is Synced to a Helicopter’s Rotor

Depending on how something is filmed can really alter its appearance and dictate whether or not the video selection will appear close to what the naked eye actually sees when the subject is live. This can be observed most easily in situations that require fast moving objects which make it more noticeable.
For instance, the spinning blade of a helicopter may be just a little bit quicker than the frame rate of a camera is able to capture and therefore, it may appear as if the blade is spinning slowly at times or maybe even backward depending on how you view it.
This time, however, we get to see a pretty unique clip as somebody has taken the liberty of syncing up a camera with the spinning blades of the helicopter that distorts the image even further and gives us an all-new look at what’s possible with a little bit of film magic as the blade seems to stand still as the helicopter looks itself off.