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This Man Lives In His Jeep Wrangler… How Does He Do It?

When you think about living in a vehicle for a year, a Jeep Wrangler is usually going to be way down the list. Most of us would choose an RV, obviously. If that’s not an option for whatever reason, then a van converted to have a small living space would likely be next. After that, perhaps a pickup with a camper shell. In fact, there are sedans that would make more sense than a Wrangler, but we don’t always have to understand the “why” behind people’s decisions.

The guy in the video below had made his choice and decided to spend a year living in his Wrangler with his dog, and we have to say he’s gone about planning this out pretty well. With enough stuff lined up in his garage to fill a small trailer, he begins carefully making a place for all of it inside Jake, his beloved Jeep. From clothes to food to dog treats, he has left nothing out, at least that we can think of. He even has a badass power inverter rigged up to power his assortment of on-road electronic devices to keep him entertained during his trip.

He utilizes every possible inch of floor space inside Jake, as well as most of the roof space, but he makes it work and, ironically enough, it actually looks fairly cozy. A lot of space is saved by not having to have water on hand for showers and using the restroom, problems he’s solved by outsourcing. He plans to shower at the gym and use the restroom at gas stations or out in the wilderness, should the need arise. While it doesn’t exactly seem like the most fun way to live for a year, I’m kind of intrigued by this and Jake has got me wanting to try maybe living a month in my truck.