This Tesla Model 3 Doesn’t Like The Cold Weather
When you think about some of the things that people responsible for designing a car have to consider, sometimes, it can be hard to wrap your brain around. Even though you would think that car only has basic functions at its core, there are a whole variety of situations that the people behind such cars have to consider before they let them come to market. For example, when a car has finally released the public, obviously, you’re not only going to want to make sure that it can stand up to a little bit of abuse but also a little bit of abuse across a whole variety of different weather conditions that the owner might face.
This time, we got ourselves into a situation that isn’t really clear if it’s freak accident or a design shortcoming, however, as it turns out, with the somewhat recent release of Tesla Model 3, it turns out that somebody who lives in an area with cold weather has noticed that their particular version of the Model 3 isn’t necessarily getting along all that well with the icy conditions. Furthermore, it isn’t just one door that’s frozen shut, but instead, it appears as if there’s really no way at all that this person is able to get into their vehicle. This isn’t the first that we’ve heard of the Tesla not favoring the ice as reports of door handle struggles and closing the charging cap have surfaced before.
If you follow along with the video below, you’ll be thrust into quite an interesting situation that might have you a little bit perturbed if you were to purchase a new vehicle, only to have this happen. Upon a little bit of looking around, we don’t see that this is necessarily a common issue or one that has any sort of resolution in sight. Is this a freak accident or something that you’re going to want to look at and consider if you’re going to buy a car like this while living in cold weather? Perhaps, it’s something Tesla is going to remedy with future renditions of these rides.