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This Winter Moped Is The Most Ridiculous Machine Ever!

I’m not going to say what I actually think about this zany Winter Moped, at least not yet. First, we’re going to talk about the amazing commercial itself! This, ladies and gentlemen, is how you market a product!

Sure, these guys could have built this ridiculous trike and had a typical lame promo piece showing all of the features and how well the Winter Moped works for getting you up and running in the terrible Finnish winters. But instead, they took the fun, laugh-at-ourselves approach and absolutely knocked it out of the park. I laughed more during this three minutes than I have in a while, and it’s because the Stunt Freaks Team doesn’t take themselves too seriously.

This approach should be taken a lot more often in my opinion, but too many people seem to think you need highly polished productions to successfully promote a product and in many cases, that is a great approach to take. However, having a product as over-the-top as this trike is perfect for taking a the humorous approach, and these guys absolutely nail it!

As for the trike itself, it is totally ridiculous but incredibly feature-packed, including having a rack for hot coals to use to turn the plexiglass enclosure into a sauna and a quintet of super-bright LED flashlights mounted to the top to make sure you can ride at night. And speaking of the plexiglass frame, it also has functional (ish) Lamborghini-style doors that open to let the rider step inside and climb aboard. Lastly, there’s a nice beefy set of wheelie bars on the back the keep things in the upright position, for the most part, while enjoying the wintry conditions.

Take a hint from these guys and go have some fun making your next promo video. There is definitely something to be said about humor, and I would love to order up one of these after seeing this, and we don’t even get snow in Alabama!