Tony Bynes’ Choppa Takes A Hard Hit In First Grudge Race Back

Iconic grudge racer Tony “Boss” Bynes has been quiet for the past year or so, but the trash-talk expert and renown wheelman recently resurfaced and immediately got back in the middle of the action, booking a grudge race against the slick red 4th gen Camaro known as Hercules.
Bynes’ sinister Choppa Camaro has likely been down the track as many times as you or I have said the word “Hello”, and I’d say it’s almost a certainty that most of those races were solid a-to-b runs. That’s a huge factor in grudge racing, where “get there first at all costs” is the name of the game. It’s not often you’ll see a driver just abort a run since there’s almost always at least a moderate-sized pile of money on the line anytime two cars line up for a grudge race.
While we don’t know the size of the pot for this particular race, you know both camps want to win just for the bragging rights, so after they complete their burnouts and back up to the line, the crew guys make sure the cars are positioned perfectly in the groove to maximize traction. The drivers then begin the careful process of bumping the cars into the stage beams and get ready to unleash the power under the hood as soon as the tree drops.
Choppa jumps out to a big lead as the cars pass our buddy Justin Malcom’s camera and appear to be en route to a convincing win when things go sideways, quite literally. The black third gen eases out of the groove to the right, which causes the car to lose traction and begin sliding across the track, seemingly headed straight for Hercules. However, Choppa passes just behind the red Camaro, which goes on to take the win. Choppa smacks the wall in the left lane pretty hard before sliding back to the right side of the track, where the car comes to rest. The driver was unhurt, thankfully, and if we know Boss, the car will be back at the track in no time.