Touring the Elaborate Parking Garages of Monaco

As we journey around the world, we discover all sorts of different places to explore. With these different places comes a different car scene. It’s not hard to imagine how the car scene somewhere like Monaco might be different than what we see here in the United States. While there are different concentrated areas of awesome cars here in America, there’s no comparison. It seems like Monico is really a rich person’s playground. Therefore, there are all sorts of fun automobiles to be found in just about every corner of the country.
This time, Rob Ferretti just so happened to be exploring Monaco and took us along for the ride. As it turns out, even the most expectedly mundane areas here can be extravagant. It’s a substantial dose of culture shock the more that we dig into it.
Inside of the parking garages, we see all sorts of high-end vehicles. It almost seems as if Rob can barely walk through a row without being bombarded with a variety of the world’s most expensive cars. Some of the parking garages even include the likes of a car wash. This will allow vehicle owners to have their car pampered while they go about their day.
By following along with the video down below, we get the inside line on what one might be able to expect of a trip to such an area. We will probably recommend going out to see it for yourself firsthand. However, for those who don’t have travel on their immediate agenda, this video might be able to suffice for the time being. We aren’t making any promises, though. There’s a good chance that this one might make you want to immediately hop on a plane and go explore for yourself. I mean, who could pass a place like this up?