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Tractor Puller With SIX Turbos Putting In Work!

Tractor Puller With SIX Turbos Putting In Work!

Pulling tractors are all about the torque and this beast is certainly no different as it sports six turbos and three rather large engines to pull along the 4.3-tons!

The sound that this thing bellows out is ungodly as those six turbos scream to help this savage pump out the most power possible to get the job done!

Afterwards, we’re treated with a spectacular show to say the least as the pulling rig spouts out a couple of towers of flames, impressing everyone in attendance.

Check out the sheer force in the video below and tell us what you think of this rig making magic happen. The possibilities with this amount of power are truly endless!

Check out this crazy tractor pull featuring four jet engines!
