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Trapped in a Trunk? This Emergency Release Could Save Your Life

If you happen to be someone who is shopping and looking to pick out the safest car possible, one of the things that you naturally might not think about is the trunk. What does the trunk have to do with safety, after all? Well, as this video tells us, being trapped inside of the trunk can be a lot more hazardous than you might imagine.

The fatality rate is actually a thing that exists outside of people being kidnapped and it’s something that, with a little bit of attention, we could minimize. Since 2002, all trunks have been fitted with an emergency release system, a glow-in-the-dark handle that could be pulled to help you make your way out of a trunk should you be trapped in one.

You see, as this video clip explains, should someone accidentally get trapped in the trunk, most of the time that person being a minor, proper education about how the trunk emergency release works and potentially a retrofitting of a trunk release system for an older car could help to make sure that nobody ever dies inside of the trunk of a car again. In addition, should you ever be in the completely terrifying situation where you end up in the trunk against your own will, this will be a good feature to know about.

Check out the video down below that will tell you all about the safety equipment and how it’s used to make sure that you never find yourself in a situation like this where your child or someone else is in danger. Reportedly, since the device has been required starting in 2002, no trunk deaths have been reported in newer cars, however, older cars have accounted for 22 deaths and personally, we think that’s about 22 too many and spreading the word about how to properly grapple a situation like this is definitely the beginning of the solution.