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Truckers Give Ultimate Gift To Boy With Cerebral Palsy

Sometimes with a resilient enough spirit, even when things are really going against you in life, you can find a way to pull yourself up and not get knocked down. Should you slide along Highway 26 in Wisconsin at the right time of day, you’ll potentially find an individual who really embodies this characteristic as Dakota “Bubba” Cadd lives with both Cerebral Palsy and Dandy-Walker Syndrome, a pair of the debilitating diseases but the young man doesn’t let phase him as he does the things that make him happy right there along the side of the highway and in this heartwarming story, you’ll be able to tune in as you find out how a couple of people who decided that they wanted to put a smile on this young man’s face would really came through in a big way.

It all started with Mark King, one of the drivers who this young man manage to get to honk his horn as he drove by. King would introduce the youngster to his tractor-trailer and before we knew it, one thing would lead to another, with lots of truck drivers wanting to reach out to help. Before they knew it, everything with spiral into something magnificent and the young man would have a whole group of new friends who just wanted to show him their trucks and put a smile on his face.

If you follow along down in the video below, you will see how, when a couple of people decided they wanted to put some good out there in the world, would come together to the tune of 200 trucks that would eventually show up on Bubba’s birthday to greet him with quite the surprise. I’m pretty sure that this is a surprise that nobody had seen coming but it’s certainly one that young Mr. Cadd is never going to forget!
