Unmanned Tractor Takes Over Race Track… Makes Some Laps All by Itself.

When you wake up in the morning, odds are that for most average Americans, we probably never get the feeling that a life-altering event is going to happen on such a regular day. However, with events like the one you’re about to learn about, you simply can almost never see them coming and they could end up being something that certainly throws a wrench in the gears and ends up changing your course a little bit.
In this situation, it was something as mundane as operating a tractor that had went wrong and left its operator without one of his limbs as things would take a turn for the worse in a series of events that is truly something that could’ve happened to just about anybody.
It all goes down at Tri-City Speedway in Auburn, Michigan as Pete Badgero, a maintenance technician ended up accidentally running into a vehicle, causing him to fall off of the tractor that he was operating at the time. After the fact, Pete would then be delivered to the hospital where his foot will have to be amputated.
The aftermath of the incident left spectators confused as the tractor would continue under its own power without an operator, banging into walls and making a couple of laps around the track with countless track personnel attempting to subdue the moving machinery without much luck. However, before long, a backhoe ends up being able pull in front of the runaway machine at just the right time, finally bringing the vehicle to a halt and disallowing it to cause any more harm.
In the clip below, you’ll be able to see the situation as somebody pulled out their camera got to recording, really showing just how hectic things got on the race track that night. Unfortunately, the aforementioned injury was sustained which was pretty serious, luckily, though, there’re no other injuries as the tractor roamed freely around the premises.