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UPS Films Himself Slamming Package on Porch, Flipping it Off

UPS Films Himself Slamming Package on Porch, Flipping it Off

I can’t really speak for anybody else but I’ve noticed a growing trend in social media, especially among car enthusiasts. If there’s one thing that can really get us animated, it’s a poorly performing shipping company. For those who are anything like myself, one scroll of social media probably has lots of people complaining about it. Personally, I can’t help but scroll past this. Most of those who post seem to just like to complain and are looking for an audience.

Every once in a while, the irate nature of these posts is warranted, though.

This time, we check out a situation from a UPS employee that is nothing short of infuriating. We have absolutely nothing to do with this person or their car parts being delivered. However, we can’t help but get a little bit angry on their behalf. After watching the footage provided, we would think that most would agree.

In a video posted late last week, we watch as a delivery driver approaches a house with an already damaged box. From there, it looks like the individual makes a point of slamming the box on the porch incredibly hard. He even takes the liberty of flipping off the package and recording it all on his phone. We’re not sure if the driver had something against the package’s recipient or if he just wanted to show off on social media.

Somehow, the bright and shining star of this video didn’t manage to notice the camera pointed right at him, though.

The uploader of the clip voiced his frustration saying “Thanks to UPS. I really appreciated your delivery driver throwing my fragile (already damaged) box and flipping it off for his phone (assuming snapchat).” He continued “Now I have to reorder the one part I need to fix my car.”

The uploader did report that UPS would later call him and apologized. Apparently, the individual that was seen throwing the package was a temporary delivery driver. The driver is no longer with the company. He reported that this driver “Does not represent the views or morals of UPS,” presumably as a part of what the company relayed to the customer.
