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Video Shows Venus Williams’ Car Being Struck… She Was NOT at Fault

Footage has been released that shows the fatal accident involving tennis star Veuns Williams. This footage alone doesn’t tell the whole story, but luckily there have been eyewitness accounts that fill in the context of the incident and paint a much clearer picture, and unfortunately there’s no cut and dry answer as to how this situation will play out as far as the wrongful death lawsuit that the family of the man who was killed has filed against Williams.

What we can tell, combining this footage along with witness testimony, is that Venus waited at the intersection shown in the footage for the signal to turn green. Upon receiving a green signal, Willaims enters the intersection, but has to stop to allow oncoming traffic to turn in front of her. Before Williams was able to continue through he intersection, the light turned red, which is where things get fuzzy as far as fault. Williams, who was clearly well into the intersection when he signal changed to red, has the legal right to continue through and clear the intersection. However, before she is able to do so, a car comes from the right and t-bones Williams’ SUV. The driver of the car, a Hyundai sedan, would have had a green light and being in the far right lane, may very well have never seen the tennis star’s SUV in the intersection as he approached. He didn’t appear to be traveling at a particularly high speed, he simply didn’t have time to react to the SUV proceeding on through the intersection.

In a civil case such as a wrongful death lawsuit, there has to be clear proof of negligence, and to put it simply, Williams was not negligent. She proceeded legally into the intersection, then had the legal right to continue through once traffic allowed, despite the red signal. Its certainly unfortunate that someone lost their life in this incident, but it doesn’t appear that there is much of a case for negligence. Hopefully the jury sees things the correct way and the case is resolved justly.