Video Shows Why You Want Your Stereo Build in a Quality Machine, Jeep Almost Falls Apart

If you’re diving into all the different ways to slice automotive modification, there are a group of guys and girls who like to just crank up the bass is much as they can. Sometimes, these builds can end up taking a long time and require a bunch of ability and attention to detail to complete. After that and a little infusion of cash alike, at the end of the day, hopefully, the decibel meter will register as high as it possibly can. With this effort, you can sometimes see some pretty crazy contraptions coming together that will do all that they can to rattle your brains right out of your skull while providing you with a great time.
In this particular example, we see that phenomenon as it comes to life yet again as someone has clearly put a lot of time and effort into making sure that their stereo system would be the best that it possibly could be. We would venture to say that the stereo within this Jeep Cherokee certainly lives up to the hype and then some. However, as you continue to explore, you might become a little bit concerned about the rest of the Jeep and how it’s going to fair when all is said and done. After all, we all know that the XJ Cherokee isn’t exactly the best put together vehicle and this earth-shaking system certainly isn’t doing it any favors, either.
If you follow along down in the video below, you’ll be able to catch the scene of the action and see exactly what I’m talking about when I tell you that this stereo is about to shake this poor Jeep right into the junkyard. I’m not sure if it’s more to the effect of the stereo being kick ass or the Jeep being poorly built, possibly a combination of both, but any way that you slice it, you better not turn up the volume knob too much because this thing could come apart at a moment’s notice.