Watch this old work truck get a complete dustless blast removing all the paint
There is something inherently satisfying about watching this blasting process. Using tiny fragments of crushed glass and high pressure water nozzles, the Dustless Blasting crew strips the paint from this classic Ford F150 belonging to Dennis Gage of My Classic Car.
The process is simple, really. You take an abrasive – sand, garnet, and coal slag are other popular types – and add water to keep the fragments from becoming a dust cloud. Pressurize these and blast just about any surface and the jet stream will eat away anything until it gets to bare metal. This blaster is built to travel as well, giving the operator the option to come to the customer, if a car isn’t running, for example. And while the operators are trained and should handle the blasting, they let Dennis give it a try to show that it’s a relatively easy process, as he gets the hang of it quickly and ends up blasting the whole side of his work truck.
Watch the process in full screen and see it you don’t find it somewhat relaxing.