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What Happens When You Use Zippo Lighter Fluid In Place Of Gasoline?

If there’s one thing that we have absolutely never wondered in our entire lives, it would definitely be what would have happened if we filled our gas tank with something like Zippo Lighter Fluid, a substance that we’re all familiar with but isn’t necessarily something that would fit the bill here.

However, when a video is presented in front of us that shows just this action happening, it’s definitely something that we can’t look away from. If you happen to be a car enthusiast, you have to wonder how something like that is going to act in your fuel system. It could end up being pretty volatile if you end up having something that isn’t just the right amount of combustible.

In this video, we get a load of what happens when the Project Farm YouTube channel, the same one responsible for doing all kinds of other wacky engine experiments, decides to fill up the gas tank of an engine with a little bit of lighter fluid to see how exactly the engine reacts.

This set of circumstances is definitely not something that we would recommend emulating but it actually looks like the experiment is met with some moderate success. However, on the other hand, with something like this you can’t help but have that churning feeling in your stomach as you’re just waiting for that engine to lock up and call it quits!

Check out the video below as you see potential catastrophic failure looming on the horizon and can do nothing but sit back and wait for it to unfold. Just how long will it take before everything comes crashing down, that is if it comes crashing down? If you follow along with the video below, you’ll be able to see just that. With these kinds of crazy experiments, you really can’t help but wonder what’s coming next.