When the Weather Got Bad, This RC Hobbyist Brought the Outside in For Ultimate 4×4 Setup

In a good portion of the country, there isn’t exactly nice and sunny weather all year round. Fortunately for those who live in the south or out west, they have rather mild winters. However, as we move our way toward the northeast, things can get rather brutal. Sometimes, freezing temperatures create snow and ice that don’t really make playing outside with our adult toys very much fun. If your hobby involves altering terrain in order to succeed, you can just forget about it. In fact, most outdoor hobbies come to a halt for a couple of months in this area.
This time, though, we get the opportunity to check in with somebody who got a little bit innovative in order to combat the winter weather. Instead of enduring the elements, bundling up and maybe even buying one of those neat heated jackets to be able to withstand the cold, this creator got crafty.
In this one, we check out a pretty neat construction project that takes the likes of the elements outside and brings them in. If you want to go off-roading with a remote control vehicle, I guess it turns out that you don’t always need to be in nature to make it happen. Instead, this individual brings the outside in, creating an entire table to craft his very own off-roading set up.
By following along with the video below, we get the inside scoop on how exactly one makes something like this come to life. There’s a new level of dedication when somebody is willing to completely re-create what they see in mother nature in order to not give up on their hobby for the winter. We wouldn’t be shocked to see something like this catch on, either, as those brutal winters definitely are not a lot of fun to be involved in.