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4.5 Whipple Supercharged BAD INFLUENCE Rock Bouncer Dyno Pull and Test Drive

There are some very obvious similarities and characteristics that carry over from one type of racing or one form of motorsport to any other. Hard work, dedication, late nights, the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat, just to name a few. Then there are those specific things that it seems are confined only to racing, whether it be drag racing, rock bouncer racing, or dirt track, there are those few things that just always seem to follow any type of competitive racer. Race It. Break it. Fix it. Repeat.

That seems to be the mantra for pretty much any type of racing out there, and after watching this video from our buddies down at Busted Knuckle Films, you can quite literally see how it plays out as we watch Bad Influence come together. This Whipple supercharger powered monster isn’t backing down from any terrain.

It all starts with a little bit of elbow grease. Piece by piece, we watch as the rig manages to come together. This is followed up by a dyno session. This is when the guys spend some quality time dialing in the tune for whatever is in the bouncer’s path. This thing is laying down some serious horsepower as it screams at the top of its lungs. To be honest, the sound is almost a little bit intimidating as the machine makes magic happen.

At the end of the sequence, we finally get to see the machine in action. Just as we had anticipated, the rig is taking absolutely no prisoners when it hits the dirt. Whether it’s flat ground or a wicked incline, this machine has no quit in it. When paired with just the right driver, things get incredibly interesting.

Follow along with the video below as we get to ride along with the bouncer gone absolutely mad!