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Why Do Cops Touch Your Car During a Traffic Stop? 🎥

If you should be involved in a traffic stop or see someone else being tied up in such a situation, you might have noticed that when police officers approach a vehicle in question, they will often touch the tail light area before continuing to walk up to the driver and talk to them about what they were pulling that driver over for. Until it was something that was brought up in this video dedicated to discussing the topic, personally, it’s something that I would have never noticed if it wasn’t brought up, however, now that someone is talking about it, the odd act really has my interest piqued.

This time, we ride along with a moto-vlogging police officer who gives his opinion on the matter and a couple of other opinions that he thinks might be rumors but also are quite interesting to listen to. However, at the end of the day, there are some pretty good reasons behind why one would do such a simple thing that seems to have no logical reason on the surface. After all, if it can help an officer stay safe in what is described as one of the most dangerous positions that police officer could be in, why not try it out?

Check out the video below that describes a couple of theories such as the police officer leaving behind DNA so that, should he be gunned down, there will be proof that he was there all the way up to the reason why this police officer was taught that he should touch the trunk lid of a car. Have you ever heard of any other reasons why a police officer might touch the side and rear of a car as he approaches the driver? We would love to hear your experiences on matters like this.