fb-pixel Breaking: “World Record Attempt” Travis Pastrana, Phil Smage And Nitro Circus Have Officially Lost Their Minds!! - Speed Society
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Breaking: “World Record Attempt” Travis Pastrana, Phil Smage And Nitro Circus Have Officially Lost Their Minds!!

Hang on tight guys, this one is gonna hurt!

Theres a good chance that during the three seconds or so he spent in the air, Nitro Circus rider Phil Smage uttered those words, be it to his buddies on remote microphones or possibly just to himself as he realized he was going to land way down this dirt landing ramp and likely take a bit of a tumble.

The video is short, there’s literally no information about the jump itself other than what we can see, and we don’t really even get a good look at the landing. But, it’s still pretty insane, and that leaves little to the imagination.

So here’s what we can tell from the phone footage: Phil was behind the wheel of this UTV and got a huge running start at the monster launch ramp, sending the side-by-side high into the air above the crowd site for the attempt, which we have heard was an attempt to break a world record. You can clearly see that Smage gets a TON of air and carries his speed through the launch and well beyond the top of the landing ramp, landing hard in the dirt several yards past where he would have ideally returned to earth.

The video’s description does say that Phil was okay, so ay least we do know that he wasn’t injured, thought we aren’t sure the same can be said for the UTV, which did land with frightening force.

The impact kicked up a huge cloud of dust, which obscured the UTV, leaving only Phil and God himself to know what too place after the initial impact. We are glad to hear that Smage wasn’t seriously injured and we hope to see him back in action soon. We’ll keep digging for more information about the jump itself and any records that may or may not have been broken.

As always, if you guys hear anything before we do, please be sure to drop what you know in the comments or shoot us a DM!
