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World’s First Fan-Built Optimus Prime | RIDICULOUS RIDES

I’m going to show my immaturity here and admit that I am totally disappointed that this Optimus Prime replica doesn’t transform into the actual Autobot version of Optimus Prime, but I am still completely blown away by the awesome attention to detail that’s gone into this fan-built replica of the truck.

Starting life as a totally stock big rig, the truck was transformed by its owner Joe Fiduccia, who has zero mechanical experience. Instead, Joe taught himself as he went and relied on the help of friends to solve the problems he couldn’t solve himself.

While Joe himself is a huge fan of the movie franchise, a global juggernaut that has taken in more than four billion dollars worldwide, he says his son was what inspired him to undertake such a massive project. Fiduccia says he wanted to prove to his son that if you put your mind to it, you can literally do whatever you want.

We would certainly have to agree that building your own version of one of the most iconic movie vehicles of our generation, and perhaps of all time, is a great way to prove that point.

The level of detail in the build would certainly fall under the “meticulous” label as Joe has taken great pains to replicate every modification done to the truck to get it ready for the big screen. Joe even went as far as getting permission from Hasbro, the creators of the transforming robot toys that inspired the movie franchise.

Hasbro gave the project their blessing, allowing the vision to take shape and as you can see, he took it as far as he could short of adding a voice changer and making the truck stand up and walk like the one from the movies. We absolutely admire Joe’s dedication and attention to detail in carrying his vision all the way to such and awesome level.