You Can’t Take Him Anywhere Or Farmtruck Will Buy Everything

Sure, there is appeal when it comes to buying a brand new shiny car. Every aspect is new and untouched and therefore, you know exactly what you’re getting. It even smells awesome!
However, there is an equal, if not greater appeal in not knowing what you’re getting. What do we mean by this? Well, to answer this question we have to turn it over to Farmtruck and AZN.
As you might have noticed, team FNA doesn’t exactly buy the newest car available. Instead, they break out their creative side, digging into the interesting and obscure to create machines unlike any that we have ever seen before.
Originally, this meant taking an old Chevrolet C10 pick up truck and turning it into an all-out drag racing machine. Eventually, though, this trend would evolve into a variety of different machines. Some of them were based on old-school creations that were diamonds in the rough and others might’ve even been completely custom built from the ground up. What we can say that most of them share in common, though, is that the dynamic duo behind them definitely creates some pretty obscure and interesting rides.
This time, we get to go behind the scenes to see what exactly that process looks like and where it starts. This time, Farmtruck heard that there was a little bit of clearance at a local antique hot rod shop. That is definitely something that most gearheads would love to jump on and Farmtruck is definitely no different. Therefore, he headed down to Ron’s shop to see exactly what he could come up with. From what we’re told, Ron has been collecting and storing cars at this location for five decades.
When all is said and done, Farmtruck ended up picking up a couple of things for himself. Just being able to take a look through this endless treasure trove is definitely a treat in and of itself. Going home with something is the icing on the cake.