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10 Best Factory Performance Trucks That You’ve Probably Forgotten About

These days, even casual automotive enthusiasts are aware of some of the muscle trucks running around on the streets today like the Ram TRX and Ford F-150 Raptor. As a muscle truck enthusiast myself, I have to say that it’s nice to see the horsepower wars coming alive once again as both Ram and Ford attempt to put their best foot forward into a market that we wouldn’t necessarily say is for the masses.

For those who are new to the hobby, though, they might not realize that the idea of the muscle truck, while niche in scope of buyers, is something that has been tugging at the heartstrings of the performance community for decades. Every once in a while, a major automaker tosses an idea out there to see if they have what it takes to seize the day and grab their share of this market.

This time, we check in with YouTube creator, MagnaLume as they take us for a trip down memory lane, recalling some of the valiant efforts at cracking into the performance pickup truck market over the years. While some of these models had grown a cult following, others kind of flew under the radar a little bit more as they didn’t draw any sort of mass commercial success to keep them up and running over the years.

One thing is for sure that by tuning into the video below, any sort of performance truck enthusiast is going to find at least a couple examples of nameplates that they wouldn’t mind getting their hands on to add to their own personal collection. Even though the performance pickup truck market might be one of the more quirky segments to come together over the years, we have to admit that there are examples here that really pop and would certainly draw some attention should they be broken out at just about any car show.