This Could be the Best Way to Remove Shrubs Ever, Especially for Gearheads!

This guy is a genius. When I read the title of this video and listened to the intro, I absolutely expected this guy to be using some kind of vehicle to drag these shrubs out of the ground. Conventional thinking would be a pickup truck, but I could also see a badass video to make using a sports car of some kind to yank them out of the ground. We’ll have to keep that in mind next time any of our friends decide to revamp their lawn. But that’s a discussion for another day.
Instead, this fellow, YouTuber Erik Radzins, had the breakthrough idea of dragging his engine hoist from the garage around to the front yard and using it to pluck his shrubs from the landscaping. With somewhere in the neighborhood of a half ton of lifting power when fully extended, the cherry picker has more than enough grunt to pull the bushes out, root and all. More than just brute strength, though, the hoist also offers Erik an unparalleled level of control, as the relatively slow lifting process allows him to ease the shrubbery into the air, not something you get when you’re trying to drag them out of the ground with a vehicle.
As Erik points out, most people simply grab a shovel and a couple of buddies and spend hours digging away at the base of their bushes to do what he’s able to do in just a few minutes each. In fact, the end of the video is a quick recap from Radzins, where he points out that it took about 20 minutes to yank out three plants, or just under 7 minutes each. I’d guess a good portion of that was properly securing the chain around the base of the bush.
I do like the fact that Erik chose some car-guy apparel for the project, including Matco Tools gloves and a neon Street Car Takeover T-shirt, along with his GM Performance Parts hoist. Erik is truly a car dude through and through, and as always, we get things done and we get them done faster!