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Kayaker Goes Thrill Seeking and Gets Pinned Under a Rock in a Rapid

Just like other thrill seekers, extreme kayakers really push the limits on what exactly they’re able to accomplish, pushing their personal safety further and further away from plain view. As these guys go bigger with their journeys, taking on some of the most aggressive rapids around the world, their safety might fade out of view but the adrenaline rush that they get from each and every ride gets bigger and bigger. As a result, guys and girls keep on pushing it even further so that they can fulfill their need to get that jolt of energy, even if it means looking death in the face, shaking it off, and going to do it all over again.

This time, we check out a terrifying situation that has this kayaker going head to head with a natural feature that’s better known as a “sieve.” In a sieve, the water is channeled in such a way that can take complete control over a kayaker and force them into a place where they don’t want to be, getting the kayaks stuck and sometimes forcing the person paddling under the surface of the water. If things go wrong, the kayaker and the people with him or her have just moments to act. Otherwise, a worst case scenario could unfold and life could be lost in this never-ending search for adrenaline.

In the video below, we check out such a situation as it unfolds right in front of our eyes when a kayaker ends up being pinned underneath of a rock with water rushing over his head. To prove that mother nature won’t discriminate, this kayaker is perhaps the most experienced of the group and that doesn’t stop mother nature from grabbing on tight and holding him down. Watch for yourself as the team frantically moves to try and rescue their friend. This one is a real doozy and will leave you biting your nails and holding your breath hoping that this guy makes it out alive!