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George Foreman has Millions in Cars, but his Favorite Wouldn’t Sell For Much

When you take a look at celebrities doing what they do best, whether it be sports, entertainment, or maybe even some mix of both, sometimes, you have to wonder exactly what their life looks like when they aren’t doing their job. We, as Americans, have really put together an obscure set of interests where whatever celebrities are up to seems to be at the top of our list of things to pay attention to. It’s not really clear why because other than their job and their money, they’re average people just like you and I, however, sometimes, we really just can’t help but pick our favorites of the bunch and follow along with their every move.

This time, the celebrity that we just so happen to be catching up with is not other than boxing legend and grill making entrepreneur, George Forman. I’m sure that he has a whole other list of impressive accolades to add to that sheet but those are definitely among the most notable. This time, we take a nose dive into his car collection with the host Graham Bessinger who tends to be one to give a really good interview and this time, takes a look at the automobiles that George Foreman has decided that he wants to spend his fortune on.

If you so choose to follow along below, you’ll be able to get the full story about why Foreman has everything from Ferraris to a Ford GT and just about every kind of exotic car that you can imagine, but for some reason, says that the one that holds the nearest and dearest to his heart is none other than a black Volkswagen Beetle, a run-of-the-mill car that only costs a small fraction of what some of his other machines go for. Get the full scoop below and tell us what you think of this one-of-a-kind story that really has some heart behind it.