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Delivery Box Truck Driver Drifts Through Snow Covered Back Roads Like a Madman!

When it comes to getting your adrenaline rush, there are certainly no shortage of platforms that you can try out in order to go from a standing heart rate all the way to something where your blood is pumping through the roof, giving you a feeling that you certainly don’t want to let go of. Perhaps you’ll hop into high-powered drag racing machine or a professionally crafted drift car that you can throw through the corners but what happens when you don’t have any of those means at your disposal?

Let’s just say that in these times of need, people end up coming up with some pretty interesting solutions for their need for speed when they don’t have any kind of proper horsepower at their fingertips. When this creativity is broken out, let’s just say that things get a little bit interesting as you see all sorts of obscure vehicles getting their throttles pounded on as they make their way through whatever sort of obstacles the real world can throw at them. This time, it just so happens to be one of the most obscure adrenaline rushes that we have ever come across.

If you follow along down in the video below, you’ll watch as it’s none other than a box truck sliding around as the driver finds some snow-covered back roads and simply goes at it, not hesitating for one moment before tossing this thing around the turns and kicking the rear tires out from under the vehicle.

It looks like some sort of delivery truck and we think that the way that this guy is driving brings an all new meaning to the logo on the side stamped “In Time Express.” However, if it actually is being commissioned as a delivery vehicle, the recipients might have to be okay with their goods being a tiny bit mangled unless somebody did some serious packing work in the back.