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Is Crashing A Ferrari The Best Way To YouTube Fame?

When it comes to YouTube and the creators that make their living off of the platform, things don’t exactly make sense sometimes. For folks who are watching these individuals and wondering why they do certain things, the life of a creator isn’t exactly like real-life for most. In fact, sometimes, even tragedies in real life might end up being a positive for a YouTube creator. After all, the most dramatic of negative situations are going to draw a lot of eyes. People enjoy not only the story behind something but also watching something crash and burn right in front of their faces. With this extra attention usually comes more money as well.

Normally, doing something like crashing a Ferrari probably would be a terrible day in most people’s lives but it might not be all bad in this world. When we get the chance to catch up with Damon from Daily Driven Exotics, he does attest to the fact that it was actually a pretty bad day. However, in the world YouTube, there’s a sort of silver lining associated with such a situation. Sure, being involved in such a spot isn’t all sunshine and rainbows but some might argue that it definitely helped his career on YouTube along. It’s definitely a weird spot to be in.

By following along with the WINWiki video below, we get the inside scoop. Damon spills the beans on what exactly he thinks happened along with that moment that could’ve otherwise been tragic. Included in this story, we hear about some other situations that were going on behind the scenes that he thinks contributed to the success that he would end up having. Not everything is always as it seems. However, we could see how folks would associate such a dramatic situation with helping to provide a bit of a spark.