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What Are Car Detailers Doing That Could Take Over 70 Hours?

When it comes to detailing, the process is an art and a science mixed all in one.

Not only does a good detailer know all of the processes involved in cleaning up a car. They have a feel for exactly how certain things should go as well. For example, they know just the right amount of a chemical to apply. From there, they know just how to massage the chemical to get the perfect results.

There’s a lot to learn.

One thing that we have noticed is that every detailer seems to have their own method to their madness. It really seems like the more of these folks that we meet, that no two detailers are the same. However, one thing is for certain. Many detailers charge a lot of money and a good one will certainly give customers great value for that money.

This time, we get to see why.

When we dive into a couple of cars that are detailed on different levels, it can be easy to tell which had more care invested. So, what exactly is it that detailers charge all this money for? How do they set themselves apart? After using traditional car care methods for all their lives, some might be shocked to find out that a good detail might cost a couple hundred dollars or more.

This time, we follow along with JP Details on YouTube as he gives us an idea of why some details cost more than others. At the end of the process, he has over 70 hours invested in the Audi in question.

With every single surface, there is a sequence that is to be adhered to in order to make it look new or even better. When combining all of the know-how with the time investment that we see laid out here, it’s not hard to see why detailing can be rather costly. It really seems like this is one area where you get what you pay for.