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Racing Driver Offers up Some Helpful Stick Shift Tips That Should Even Help Experienced Drivers

We can’t ever be sure what the future might hold. However, up until this point, the art of the stick shift seems to have been dying. Trust us, we’re as broken up about it as you are.

For those of us who do enjoy rowing gears every once a while, there are some folks who are really determined to keep the dream alive! It seems like Casey Putsch is one of those people as we’ve caught several videos on his YouTube channel that show off his love of the manual. He has been around the block a couple of times and seems to enjoy sharing his stick shift experience with others.

This time, the racing driver is tossing a couple of quick tips out there. Even as drivers who have been behind the wheel of a stick shift automobile for quite some time, there’s always something to learn. Even if you fancy yourself as an experienced driver, perhaps a tip can be picked up here there to make your driving even better! After all, “Practice makes perfect” still applies if you’ve been doing it for years.

This time, Putsch delivers what he calls tips for every day driving. Included, we find the difference between single clutching and double-clutching along with launches and even slower speed driving techniques.

At the end of the day, there are definitely some people who should take a little bit of advice here. Who knows? It might even end up saving some a good amount of money by not burning out what’s left of the old clutch.

By following along with the video below, we get a helpful rundown on a couple of tips that might just help improve our stick shift abilities. Hopefully, we will still see videos like this popping up years from now and the stick shift eventually makes a comeback!