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Is Synthetic Grease Worth the Cash? Torture Test Gets to the Bottom of It

When it comes to the products that we look at on the shelves in just about any store, there are generally a lot of choices out there. Some of those choices are more expensive than others and it can be difficult to decipher if that’s for a good reason or not. At the end of the day, a lot of times, it feels like maybe the marketing teams are doing their best to lure us in to spend more money on a product that we don’t actually need to spend on. On the other hand, though, perhaps a more expensive product is more expensive for a reason and it will pay dividends if we just pony up a couple of extra bucks.

One of our favorite places to look to see if the extra money is worth spending on garage items or not is the Project Farm YouTube channel. Time and time again, this channel has provided us with insight for reviews that take on all sorts of different tools and other products that one would find in the garage with the aim of dissecting them to see if one is really better than the other.

Lo and behold, sometimes, the more expensive product is worth the money but other times, we could save a couple of bucks and be just fine. Sure, buying better grease, for example, might not kill us in the wallet area one time but when you add it up over a lifetime, going with the cheaper option could end up saving huge.

Down in the video below, we get to see exactly if it’s worth it to go with synthetic grease or a traditional grease. In the test below, we see how each product holds up in terms of tackiness, heat and cold resistance, water-resistance, and even protection against corrosion.