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Mega Movers: Maneuvering Iconic Structures in Sub-Zero Degrees

Most of the time, even if you like your house, odds are that you’re not going to pick it up and take it with you if you want to move. The concept itself almost seems a little bit ridiculous as not many people could picture their home being picked up in one piece and hauled off to another location.

However, for those with a rather large willingness to keep a structure intact, this is a very real possibility. It’s especially real if you have yourself a ton of money to spend because an operation like this is anything but cheap. Not only is there a ton of labor involved but the equipment that has to be broken out in the name of moving an entire home or other structure is something that definitely starts to add up dollar signs relatively quickly.

This time, we check in with an episode of Mega Moves. Essentially, the entire show is based on this aforementioned idea of picking up an entire structure and moving it.

Sure, watching large, generally older structures make their way down the highway is certainly entrancing. However, what might be even more interesting is how some of these historic structures are nothing short of fragile. One move in the wrong direction and we might just see one of these things fall apart which is definitely the last thing that any of the movers would like to see.

In the video below, we’re actually treated to an entire episode of Mega Movers from the first season of the show on HISTORY. This particular outing takes the crew to subzero temperatures to attempt to accomplish a job that is nothing short of grand in size. We know that this definitely has to be a stressful undertaking because even watching from this side of the screen, we’re getting a little bit anxious.