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Shawn Discusses the M*rder Nova’s Tangle With the Wall

Not long ago, a video hit the internet that showcased what appeared to be a pretty bad day for Shawn Ellington a.k.a. “M*rder Nova” as he took his car to the track for a little bit of testing. Lo and behold, when Ellington finally spoke out about the incident, we do find out that the bad day went far beyond what we saw in that short clip.

As Ellington and Phantom get ready to head to Rockingham for the next upcoming No Prep Kings event, they took a minute to tell everybody all about exactly what happened during the test session where things went sideways quite literally as Ellington ended up in the wall.

Apparently, the crew didn’t even bring its own cameras to the session, as they tell us that it was supposed to be a quick and easy test of the equipment where they were going to go to the track, make a couple of hits, and go home. However, as Shawn points out, it seems like nothing can ever go that smoothly as the crew ended up getting tangled into several of precarious situations.

This time, we tune in as they give us the rundown of exactly what happened and how the car ended up in the wall. We also get to learn a little bit more about the amount of damage to M*rder Nova and where exactly the car is now.

At the end of it all, the crew agrees that this is an event that they feel would’ve been a great opportunity to have a camera recording because one thing went wrong after the next. However, it’s pretty interesting to hear them tell the story as well. Perhaps one of the rewarding things about winning in racing is that it usually comes on the heels of an effort like this that takes competitors through lots of trials and tribulations before they can make their way to the finish line.