A Car Airbag Deploying in Slow Motion is Impressive

We’re checking back in with The Slow Mo Guys again, this time bringing you their airbag footage. If you aren’t familiar with Gav and Dan, these guys record all kinds of things with super-high-speed cameras, then play it back in slow motion. This makes even the tamest events look downright amazing, and when they video something really cool, the slow motion makes it even better!
They start with a simple airbag deployment, filmed at 2,500 FPS. Even at that high a framrate, the deployment still looks fast, giving you an idea of just how quickly these lifesaving devices pop to give you a soft place for your face in the event of a crash. After the first deployment, they take another approach, adding a glass of water to act as sort of a crash test dummy.
The second airbag deploys and send the glass flying some eighty feet across the yard! The footage is very cool, and a bit mesmerizing, to see in super slow motion. Check back often as we will definitely be bringing you more Slow Mo Guys’ videos!