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Black Ferrari LaFerrari EPIC Wild Drifting And Nearly Crashing

Black Ferrari LaFerrari EPIC Wild Drifting And Nearly Crashing

When it comes to making big power, not everybody has what it takes to keep it all under control and with 789hp at the crank, the Ferrari LaFerrari can prove to be a lot to handle.

When this particular driver got behind the wheel of a sinister black LaFerrari, he throttled down and came inches from disaster on a multitude of occasions.

We cringe once as the supercar comes mere feet from slamming into the side of a minivan and yet again when it power slides down a crowded street full of cars.

Check out the video below showing off the close calls. Who knows, maybe this guy is an insanely talented wheelman and we’re just paranoid, but to us, this is too close for comfort!

How this Lamborghini driver ended up living is a miracle in an of itself.

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