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Car YouTuber’s Home Raided, Arrested for “Street Racing” Videos

Amarillo police showed up at an automotive YouTuber’s house with weapons blazing to serve a search warrant for “deadly conduct.”

YouTuber, Kevin Van Voriswasn’t home at the time but would later be found and arrested for what was described as “documenting street racing” around Amarillo, TX. Van Voris would later tell viewers that the specific video in question wasn’t even really street racing but instead a clickbait video. Authorities claimed to have found around 20 videos documenting racing around the city, though. Van Voris contended that these videos were incredibly old.

The YouTuber would head to his channel to try to break down the story and explain how a normal day would end with his vehicle being towed and him being handcuffed and hauled off to jail. All the while, he claims that he had absolutely no idea what was going on or what he actually did wrong, even as he pulled up to jail wearing handcuffs.

Van Voris says he’s never been in trouble for anything serious. He does say that he’s been ticketed for things like speeding and window tint. Without any serious priors, though, he found the situation rather shocking and traumatizing.

Local news source,, reports that “Police said the offense is a Class B Misdemeanor for the first offense unless the driver was intoxicated (Class A) or someone is injured (3rd Degree Felony) or killed (2nd Degree Felony).” They continued that “The Amarillo Police Department said it will seek out and prosecute those who choose to race in Amarillo and said the department will also seize vehicles involved in racing subject to asset forfeiture”

Below, Van Voris tells his side of the story which includes all of the cash and electronics in his home being seized. He says that officers even went so far as cutting the cables connecting cameras to his home security system. It was also an incredibly expensive day as the YouTuber needed to pay $1,500 to be bailed out of jail and an extra couple of hundred bucks to get his vehicle back from the tow yard.