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Driver With Giant Bull in Passenger Seat Pulled Over by Cops

Just when we thought we had seen it all, along comes another surprise that really puts us in our place and proves that there are truly no bounds to what one might stumble upon.

This time, the surprise originates from the city of Norfolk, Nebraska. Norfolk police received an interesting call, reporting that a cow was spotted in a car hurling down on the highway. The most likely suspect was that it was a smaller cow, perhaps even a calf. However, to their surprise, what they would see was anything but a small animal.

Instead, the surprise they encountered was a full-size bull named Howdy Doody, comfortably occupying the passenger seat of what appears to be a retired police car. At nine years old, Howdy Doody is estimated to weigh in at about 2200 pounds, which means he isn’t going to fit inside the sedan without a little bit of modification. In fact, the owner had to remove a large section of the roof to ensure the bull would fit.

Some observers commented that the bull had a rather calm demeanor despite all the chaos happening around it. In fact, some might even wonder why the animal didn’t decide to jump out of the car with the top open. It seems the speculation is that the bull was rather calm because it has been raised and trained by the owner since it was five months old.

The plate on the side of the car signifies that the vehicle was used as an entry in Nebraska’s Big Rodeo Parade, leading one to wonder what else was going on at said parade.

This breed, known for having massive horns, certainly made for quite the spectacle on the interstate that day. The owner was asked to leave the city of Norfolk and return home with the bull.