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Elon Musk Owns Flat Earth Enthusiasts with one Tweet

Today, in an age where everybody questions the legitimacy of everything, we find ourselves swimming amongst a sea of conspiracy theories. Sometimes, these theories are things that should be addressed and might have some merit that’s based in fact and truth, however, many of them are just wildly off-base with nothing really to back them up other than speculation. This time, we take a look at one of those theories that really seems to be out there, quite literally, as people seem to have caught on in numbers to the fact that they think the Earth isn’t really what seems to be.

That’s right, there is a rather large group of people out there who truly believe, in their hearts, that the Earth is flat. It might sound pretty far-fetched to you and like something that couldn’t possibly have that much of an argument backing it up but if you go and take the chance to look it up, there are thousands of hours of video content and research that have been done on this theory that trying to make sense of it all. To us, it looks like bunch of nonsense but I guess that it wouldn’t be the first time that the world would be proved wrong on something that everyone thought to be fact, that is, if these lunatics researchers can come up with some solid evidence.

Check out the video below as the man who has his fingers in a little bit of everything, including space travel, chimes in with exactly what he thinks of this flat earth theory and offers up a single tweet to debunk the theory that so many seem to be heavily invested in. After seeing what Elon Musk has to say about it all, be sure to chime in with what you think of the whole flat Earth conspiracy theory and the people who follow it. If you’re one of those people who just so happens to think of the Earth as flat, be sure to tell us why we’re wrong in not believing you one ounce.