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End Tire Abuse Commercial – Save All Tires

You’re sitting there in the wee hours of the morning, watching your favorite television show, when all of a sudden it cuts to commercial break and BAM, you’re blindsided.

Sarah McLachlan pops on your screen, holding a dog that looks like the saddest thing that you have ever seen while telling you about how many animals are abused every year while a sad tune plays in the background that basically rips your heart out of your chest… if you have one, that is.

You know exactly the commercial that we are talking about and this time, we check out a parody video that takes the same concept and applies it to the tires of the world that are used and abused every day.

Watch and listen to this parody that will have you rolling with laughter during a couple of parts. Only YOU can end tire abuse!

(Please don’t though because we LOVE a good smokey burnout.)