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F9 “Total Car-Nage” Shows Off Stunts in Upcoming Fast & Furious Film

The Fast and the Furious franchise has definitely come a very long way from its roots. At the humble beginnings, we would watch a story unfold that, if we recall correctly, was all about stealing small televisions and VCRs. As much as we love the beginnings of the franchise and wouldn’t trade them for the world, the special effects and stunt work that we see in the more recent movies is simply incredible. Realistically, we would kind of expect it to be as the films probably have the biggest budgets in all of Hollywood.

Because of how the franchise has strayed away from its original story, some viewers like to complain an awful lot about them. However, we think it’s pretty awesome to be treated to a consistent experience that just gets wilder and wilder when these summer blockbusters drop. At this point, with all of the success that the franchise has had, we aren’t going to be the ones who sit here and try and tell the powers behind these movies how to do their jobs.

This time, we get a little bit of a sneak peek of the next upcoming Fast and Furious film that has unfortunately been delayed a little bit due to the pandemic. However, we will finally be able to hop into a movie theater and watch the carnage unfold this upcoming June 25.

Normally, in order to promote films, the studio will roll out a couple of trailers, teasing what we might see. This time, it seems as if they have gone a little bit above and beyond trailers. Instead, with this particular video, we actually get to see the behind-the-scenes action from some of the stunt work that was done. Let’s just say that the crew definitely has no aversion to blowing things up, especially things that are pretty expensive!