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Farmtruck Drives a “Juiced Up” Golf Cart in Daily Driver Tournament

Fans can’t help but love the twists and turns that Farmtruck and AZN bring to the action on Street Outlaws. At the end of the day, this is why the dynamic duo has gotten their own spin-off show that showcases all of the different builds they come up with.

This time, we take a trip back to season six to relive one version of the daily driver race put on by Farmtruck and AZN known as “The Daily Grind.” Basically, the concept of a race like this is that competitors on the show will put their race cars on the shelf. Instead, when they show up for race night this time, it will be behind the wheel of their daily driven machines. In other words, if the car can’t get you to the grocery store and back without a hitch, then you might as well leave it at home.

In typical Farmtruck fashion, he had to show up with something completely off-the-wall to compete here. In order to throw down, he pulled a weapon out of his repertoire that nobody was expecting. When the racer rolled up to the start line in his three-quarter bright orange helmet, he was wielding none other than a nitrous-fed golf cart. How’s that for the unexpected?

Daily driver? We’re not exactly sure. It does seem like the competition was willing to let it slide, though.

Of course, this was some action that we had to see as he pulled up to the line, ready to go to battle in a ride that would typically be found at your local golf course. This one, though, is just a bit faster than the golf carts that we’re used to.

Down in the video below from Discovery Australia, we get to check in with not only the golf cart but also a variety of other action that showcases some fan favorites bringing the speed in their daily driven rides.